The first of our many big years at competitions - Dare 2 Dance students finished the year off with many awards :)

In amongst the craziness of 2015 our Junior and Senior Performance Troupes also competed at the Beenleigh and Gold Coast Eisteddfod with fantastic results.
Our Primary Jazz Team "Hey Now" have had the most outstanding year!!
1st Gold Coast Eisteddfod
1st Beenleigh Eisteddfod
1st TFT Nationals Championships - Dancestar
Secondary Jazz Team:
1st AASCF championships QLD (and best choreographed award)
2nd TFT National Championships - Dancerstar
HC Gold Coast Eisteddfod
A congratulations must also go to all our students that did solos and duos at eisteddfods this year. Lots of fantastic results! We try to keep our Facebook page up to date with D2D events and results, so please remember to like our Facebook page to stay up to date with studio happenings.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Dare 2 Dance teams and individual dancers who performed at the Schoolaerobics National Competition.
Dance - teams:
Hey Now - 1st place - Primary Jazz small team
Aladdin - 1st place - Primary Classical large team
Bugle Girls - 2nd place - Secondary Jazz large team
Amazing Grace - 3rd place - Secondary Lyrical large team
Dance individual:
Ashley Van Litsenborgh - 1st place - Primary Improvisation and 3rd place - Primary Solo Down Tempo
Kyah Devine - 1st place - Secondary Junior Jazz audition and 3rd place Secondary Improvisation
Chloe Moore - 2nd place - Secondary Junior Jazz audition
Simba's Singers - 1st place - Future Legends Glee small team
Oliver! - 3rd place - Secondary Glee small team
Future Legends Cheer - 2nd place
Primary Cheer - 1st place
Secondary Cheer (large) - 1st place
Secondary Cheer (small) - 3rd place