Congratulations! ‘Showtime’ was fantastic! Well done to everyone at the Dare 2 Dance family. My whole family loved it! My Mum flew in from England on Friday to be here for it and she was thrilled to see such a fantastic concert once again.
- Current parent
I would like to take the time to thank you all so much for this year. I just wanted to let you know what a fabulous influence you have on E----.. This year has been really tough for her, but what has helped her the most and the one thing that she has never waned from is her love for dance and coming to you for her lessons. It was the one motivator to get her to school most days. I know you all work so hard and go above and beyond every day but I wanted to make sure you know what a huge difference it makes to the children.
- Current parent
I am reeling here at the entries. You guys are amazing! Thank you so much! Cannot believe how much handwork you are putting in down there with all those lucky kids!
- Competition Organiser
I just wanted to tell you that I had a lot of fun at the dance audition and really loved the choreography. Z--- and I were buzzing afterwards. It was really fun and I loved how supportive the group was.
- Current Student
Big thank you to D2D staff. Our girls are truly blessed to have such amazing teachers and this year was by far the best at States. Amazing feeling in the D2D family all girls big and small support and encourage each other :)
- Current parent
Just wanted to say congratulations and thanks for a wonderful Showtime! The show was amazing, costumes fantastic and all our family and friends were very impressed! Thank you so much! They are both already picking classes for next year!
- Current parent
I hope this email finds you well. D---- LOVED the ballet class last week. Loved loved loved it!!! Thank you!!!
- Current parent
I have a friend who's daughter attends your school and after being at the eisteddfods where I saw your dancers, I was really impressed with not only their skills, but their behaviour and presentation around the events.
- Member of general public
I just wanted to congratulate you and your team for last night. It was a phenomenal show. I was not quite prepared for the feeling I would get watching S---- up on stage. I cant wait for S---- to grow within your team of amazing girls.
- Current parent
I just wanted to write a quick email to say how amazing the whole day was yesterday! The organisation, the costumes, all the staff and the quality of the performances was so high and so professional. I can’t say how happy I am that A---- started dancing with you this year.
Leigh, what you said about your teachers being amazing role models is so true, A---- talks about a lot of them often with great admiration. We look forward to many more years with the D2D family!
- Current parent
I wanted to thank you for your part in helping our daughter develop confidence this year, as well as a passion for dancing. With the help of your team… it’s our little girl who does an impromptu dance across the stage at the end of her Fairy Dance, because she just loved being on the stage!
- Current parent
My daughter was performing her first solo last weekend (for another dance school) and she commented afterwards that both K--- and S---- really helped calm her nerves and commended her on her dancing afterwards. It's these moments that make a huge impact, especially on an 11yr old girl!
She was so grateful to them that I wanted to pass on the feedback to you and commend these girls for their caring attitude and incredible sportsmanship. It’s great to see these girls leading by example and creating a wonderful environment for all of our dancers. I know that many of our dancers commented that they received the same kind of support from K--- and S----.
-Appreciative parent from another Dance Studio